24 February 2003


Current Status of the Nassau Station


1)             The station has been inactive over the winter.  We have decided not to try to operate during winter as weather conditions make it difficult.  We can go for extended periods with unsuitable weather (clouds/snow/temperature) and opening  after such a period is problematic due to greater risk of mechanical failure.


2)             We have received and are implementing a new main camera for direct imaging and spectrograph use.  It is an FLI IMG4240 – 2048x2048 with 13.5 micron pixels.  It has 86% quantum efficiency at 6500A.  A high precision shutter has been acquired for use with the camera for direct imaging.


3)             We expect to install a new version of the telescope control program in the near future.  The primary change will be the incorporation of better pointing correction algorithms.


4)             During the summer of 2003 our primary mission will be to test and put online the robot for direct imaging applications.  We will also be working on the spectrograph as possible.


5)             We expect to start bringing the systems back online in April 2003 after the Winter Shutdown.